Topic: git

Updating your working branch with main and using the Vim editor
Category: git
By: jeremy-one

Update your feature branch by committing any changes then checkout main, pull and checkout your feature branch.

Then merge main into your feature branch. In bash for the auto prompted commit message screen.

Press the "i" key on your keyboard to enter insert mode in the Vim text editor. You should see "-- INSERT --" appear at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Once you have entered your commit message, press the "Esc" key on your keyboard to exit insert mode.

Type :wq and press "Enter" to save the commit message and exit the text editor. This command stands for "write" (save) and "quit."

You may also need to press the "Esc" key on your keyboard to exit the Vim editor if it's currently in insert mode.

Type :q! and press "Enter" to forcefully quit the Vim editor without saving changes. This command stands for "quit" and discard changes.

If you don't get a prompted bash screen commit your changes as usual.